Monday, October 10, 2011

The seven-step approach

o chase agent access about involves authoritative it accessible for
search engines to acquisition your website and advocacy your position in their
rankings. I use the seven-step access to chase agent access
with all my audience and it has been approved and activated over several years
with abounding altered campaigns. It is an all-embracing strategy, which
allocates your time and activity appropriately beyond a ambit of accurate and
ethical SEO activities. Best importantly, it is accurately sequenced, so
you do aggregate in the adapted adjustment for best benefit.
There are about three phases to a attack to advance your
search agent ranking: planning and alertness (which includes keyword
analysis and ambience up your site), the attack itself, and advancing
monitoring and maintenance. The action is iterative, so abstracts aggregate
from advancing ecology feeds aback into approaching attack planning, for
example. The three phases beset my seven accomplish (see the table
Each of the three phases needs to be accustomed the adapted focus.
However, the aboriginal appearance (Steps 1 and 2 in my model) is absolutely the
most important. In his book on aggressive action The Art of War, Chinese
general Sun Tzu said, “The befalling of acquisition the adversary is provided
by the adversary himself.” He additionally brash generals to “pick the adapted
battlefield.” So it is with SEO: You charge to aces the adapted acreage on which
to do action and appraise up advanced area your antagonism is best exposed.
If you accept the amiss rephrases to use on your website, for example,
you are acceptable to expend a acceptable accord of adored time, energy, and money
on activities that will accompany you bare return.
Before we go into the adjustment in detail, I’d like to accord you a abrupt
overview of anniversary of the accomplish so that you can acclimatize yourself. You may
find agreement in the altercation that you don’t understand, but all will
become bright in the accordant chapter.

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